On September 10th, 1813, Admiral Perry,
having had his own flagship, the Lawrence, shot out from under him, took a row
boat and transferred to the second biggest ship in his fleet, the Niagara, and
sailed into the midst of the British fleet with all guns ablaze. The British
were unprepared for such tenacity, and with most of their officers either killed
or injured in the first 15 minutes, the British struck their colors and
surrendered thus ending the "Battle of Lake Erie" at Put in
Bay. It's just a piece of American History off the shores of Ohio,
in Lake Erie. We spent a week there at a Bed and Breakfast run by an old
Pan-Am pilot. Sooooooo, when I heard that the recreated Niagara was birthed at the Erie
Maritime Museum, and understanding my love for sailing and American history, it was a no-brainer to
do a story at the museum. The first part of the museum where the Niagara is
berthed explained the conditions in the country which lead up to the necessity
to build this ship along with the 5 others in early 1813. The end of the Revolutionary
War was less than 50 years previous. Toward the end of that
conflict, those who backed the British known as "Loyalists"
began to feel the heat from the "Revolutionists".
Many chose to move
north out of this new land and back under British rule in Canada. An underlying
resentment persisted. England, although having given up its claim to the land,
considered herself master of the sea. With the Napoleonic wars dragging
on in Europe, America found a booming economy in naval shipping, as a neutral
country. This created a need for seaman and American shipping companies
began paying top dollar for able bodied seaman to man the trade ships which were
being produced in abundance in New England. Most English sailors were conscripts
and were paid far less. Many of these conscripts slipped away from their
ships and joined the fast growing fleet of merchant ships sailing from America.
In retaliation, the British Admiralty believed that all those living in the
Colonies, were actually British subjects and subject to British rule while at
sea. This
created a general lack of respect for American seaman. British ships began
boarding American merchant ships under the argument of "searching for
deserters". Many American seaman and cargos were seized. The British knew it was illegal to search American naval vessels
for British deserters. Nevertheless, in June of 1807, the British frigate
Leopard intercepted the American
Chesapeake as she left Norfolk, and demanded
she submit to a search for deserters. When the captain of the Chesapeake
refused, the Leopard fired, killing three sailors and wounding eighteen.
Unready for battle the Chesapeake struck her colors. The British boarded
seized four men and hanged one of them. American sentiment was
quick. A call to take Canada as part of America resounded through the
halls of Congress. Although this call went unheeded, the call for War with
England remained strong. Earlier, in an attempt to force Britain and
France to change restrictive trade practices, Congress broke off all trade with
the countries. The
plan backfired and the restriction remained in place. The effect was immediate and disastrous. The New England
maritime industries began to collapse. New
England sailors lost their jobs. Boat builders went out of business and southern
plantation owners had no market for their cotton and tobacco. In the spring of 1812, American attitude reached a
fever pitch
and there was a call for War in Congress. Britain seeing what was coming
finally removed the trade restrictions which were at the base of the call,
but news of such arrived too late to prevent a vote and War was declared on June
18th. This vote set into creation the events that would see the Brig Niagara
built. The Secretary of the Navy in September 1812 ordered construction
of 4 gunboats in order to regain control of lake Erie from the British. After
receiving advice from Daniel Dobbins, an experienced ship maker from Erie,
Secretary Hamilton
directed that they be built in the protected harbor of
Presque Isle Bay, at Erie. Four months later the Navy ordered two larger 20 gun
Brigs to be built. By July of 1813, the little flotilla which had
grown to 9 ships was afloat in Lake Erie under the
command of Master Commandant Oliver H. Perry, and the rest is
The rest of the museum is about the ship and life aboard, in the
early 1800s. The first thing we learned about the Niagara was that it was a
"Square rigger". The fact that it had two masts made it a Brig. It
stretched just over 110 feet and 30 feet at the beam, with a draft of around 9
feet. This type of ship made up the bulk of large ships during the 1800s.
It gets its name from the way the sails were deployed on the mast. The sails,
which were irregular rectangular type themselves, were attached to
horizontal polls, or spars, which were held perpendicular to the keel. The spars
were called "yards" with the tips that extended beyond sails being
called "yardarms". This design, with few exceptions, required
the ship to sail down wind thus restricting its movement, especially in battle.
The beauty of this recreation is that it is a working ship, which sails around
the world with a volunteer crew. We were fortunate in that the ship was
docked at the time and we were allowed on board for a rare interview with some
of the crew as they explained in detail, the inner workings of the ship. I
was most interested in the main reason for the ships existence. It was
first and foremost a warship , and as such served as a platform for the 20
cannons on board. At the time the ship was built, guns were rated by length and the weight of their shot.
Naval long guns fired shot ranging from 4 to 32 pounds, at a rate of about a
shot a minute. The maximum effective range was about a mile: long guns were reasonably
accurate at about a 1/2 mile. Point blank
range, that is firing without raising
the barrel was about 300 yards. As we wandered around topside our
volunteer guides explained that the ship's movement was dependent on the sails
and the sails were dependent on a combination of men aloft and the lines that
kept the sails in place, so that they caught the wind at the best angle. The men
of the Niagara were required to be familiar with the some 150 different
lines. All the lines in use, if laid end to end would stretch nearly six
miles. Each line has a name and function and is attached to a particular
part of the ship. When the ship is underway, each line must always be
properly belayed or made fast. This required it to be coiled and hung on its
assigned pin. When changing the sails' position, these lines are freed and laid
out on the deck. With seamen letting out and pulling in the various lines to
make changes,
they had to be particularly careful not to get entwined in the lines and pulled
away from their post or station. The entire ship was open to the public on the
day we were there, so we ventured below deck. The one thought that came to
mind was "cramped". The crew is large and the space limited so
everything is cramped into every space available. What with clothing and food,
and a galley, I can't imagine what it must have been like with an extra
contingency of gun powder and shot, not to mention extra marines used for
boarding. Each man, in addition to his personal gear, carried personal weapons
with which to repel boarders. This could be swords, muskets, with or without bayonets
along with all the necessary leather to carry it properly. Much of this, along
with many other interesting things required to maintain a proper ship in good
order and to keep it traveling in the direction desired, were on display inside
the museum. Sextons, campuses, charts as well as those thing which a sailor
might bring with him over the often extended time at sea. I loved the old
ship and the museum was great. I would put this one up near the top on the
leader board of great things to see.
*** THE END ***