With an energy surprising for such a senior, Will took my arm as he led me to the frames where he sought out a friendlyimage-04 contributor. Having selected a particular web, he scurried into the back room where he busied himself mixing a glue image-13 of his own mixture. This he put in a power sprayer which appeared to have seen many sprayings in its lifetime. Next he selected a fine piece of pine, cut and polished with a dark mahogany stain. He sprayed the glue onto the board. All this he brought out along with a can of white spray paint. He stood in front of the delicate web, coaxing its maker out of the line of fire. image-03 With the spider safely behind the frame, Will dusted the web with the white spray paint. From my distance is was a marvelous sight to behold. Where there was nothing, slowly like a picture developing right before my eyes, the web appeared. This accomplished, Will carefully placed the freshly glued side of the pine board behind the web frame and with a steady hand passed the wood through the frame collecting the web in the pass. "There,", he image-12 exclaimed. "Nature's graceful artist". image-05He held the piece in his hand, and although he admitted to having done this some twelve thousand times before, I could see the pride and pure satisfaction he felt in his accomplishment. "It gets several more coats of finish and sanded smooth.", he continued, adding "Nothing worse in a woman's world then something that will gather dust, so the surface has to be smooth". We wandered back to the old barn which served as office and showroom where we talked about his wife and it was obvious that the image-09 fire had not gone out. "She is a wonderful  artist you know", he said. "She adds flowers to some of the boards which really makes it a work of art. We talked about the spiders, kids that visited and the shows he had appeared on, and there were plenty of them such as The Today Show and You asked for it. In addition to the spider-web plaques, Will also produces some very nice lap desks and other small woodworking items which he offers for sale. All in all, a very interesting afternoon. 

*** THE END ***

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